Marcie Gleason Welcome Back!

    Mrs. Gleason  Third Grade



    (906) 635-6626
     Dear Parents and Third Grader,
    Welcome to third grade. I'm glad you're part of our class!
    Some helpful items for class are listed below.  Remember that Lincoln Elementary will provide your child with any item you are unable to find.
    *Pencils (10)
    *Hand held pencil sharpener
    *Small box of crayons
    *Glue stick
    *Small box of markers or colored pencils
    *Composition book (notebook for writing)
    *A Water Bottle (one that can be hung from a hook)
    Donations for classroom 
    *Box of Kleenex
    *Sanitizing wipes
    Daily Routines 
    *Everyday we have a silent reading time.  A snack may be brought for this time if you wish. 
    *On Mondays, our weekly spelling lists are sent home.  We have our spelling tests the following Monday.
    *Every Friday, we have an estimation jar activity.  We fill the estimation jar with items to estimate.  Student volunteers may fill this estimation jar.  Students will sign up for this in class, with parent permission.  
    I can't wait to meet all of you!
    Thank you for sharing your children with me.
    Mrs. Gleason